
关晶副教授在Health Economics发表论文

近期,风险管理与保险学系关晶副教授的论文Impact of long-term care insurance on the health status of middle-aged and older adultsHealth Economics 2023年第3期正式发表。Health EconomicsABS 3期刊,北京工商大学认定的经济与商科ESI A2期刊。

01 内容摘要

With the increase of aging population, long-term care insurance (LTCI) systems have become important for improving individuals' health. However, the effect of LTCI on health is unclear, especially in developing countries, owing to the lack of random policy shocks and comprehensive databases. This study investigates the Chinese LTCI pilot program, using four waves of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study database (sample aged ≥45 years) from 2011 to 2018. The recent difference-in-differences approaches for staggered design, which are capable of dealing with the negative weights issue, are used to investigate changes in health status, measured by self-rated health (SRH), (instrumental) activities of daily living, self-rated depression, and cognition, in pilot and non-pilot cities before and afer LTCI implementation. Long-term care insurance has a significant average effect on SRH improvement and a long-term positive effect on cognition for middle-aged and older populations. This study provides the first evaluation of LTCI policy on health outcomes using the recent difference-in-differences approaches. It provides evidence for the overall health improvement achieved through the LTCI and offers positive reinforcement and potential areas for improvement in establishing LTCI worldwide.

随着人口老龄化的加剧,长期护理保险制度已成为改善个人健康状况的重要手段。然而,由于缺乏随机的政策冲击和全面的数据库,LTCI 对发展中国家居民健康的影响尚不清楚。本研究利用2011年至2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查(年龄≥45岁的样本)的数据,对中国长期护理保险试点项目进行效果评估。本文利用最新的异质性稳健DID方法,有效处理政策评估中的负权重问题,调查 LTCI 实施前后试点和非试点城市健康状况的变化,通过自评健康(SRH),日常生活(工具)活动,自我评估抑郁和认知水平描述健康。研究得出,长期护理保险对中老年人群的 SRH 改善有显著的平均效应,对认知有长期的正效应。这项研究首次使用异质性稳健DID评估 LTCI 政策的健康效果。为长期护理保险促进总体健康改善提供了证据。

02 作者简介

关晶,bat365在线平台副院长,风险管理与保险学系副教授、硕士研究生导师。兼任Journal of Risk and Financial Management客座编辑,Health EconomicsApplied Economics等期刊匿名审稿人,中国保险学会智库专家库专家,拉夫堡大学(英国)、萨萨里大学(意大利)访问学者。博士毕业于对外经济贸易大学,利物浦大学(英国)联合培养博士生(国家公派)。长期致力于健康经济学理论研究。在Health EconomicsApplied Economics、《体育科学》等期刊发表近20篇论文。主持Regional Government of Sardinia(意大利)、北京市教育委员会课题。获得校青年教师教学基本功比赛最佳教案奖、科研先进个人、优秀本科毕业论文指导教师、bat365在线平台教学标兵等荣誉称号。

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